QEP and Results treating other conditions
The system of quantum physic I am developing, which I call quantum entropy or QEP, is not just a few remedies or a single treatment. It is a system which I have developed in a number of different directions, often with interesting results. For example, I have developed treatments for fungal, viral and bacterial infections. The remedies for bacterial infections (except streptococcal infections) are particularly effective. I was asked to treat an elderly woman with MRSA which she had caught in the local hospital. MRSA is a bacteria which is resistant to anti-biotics. Unlike drugs, bacteria cannot become resistant to my remedies, because they work by strengthening the immune system. She knew my remedies were helping her, and used to ask her carers for extra doses. The following letter confirms that she was no longer infected by MRSA. Please note that streptococcal infections are immune suppressive, almost as badly as EBV, and so require special treatment.
1.Letter concerning evidence for elimination of MRSA.
Research into HIV
I was working in California in the 1980-s when the AIDS pandemic broke out, and I made contact with someone with AIDS who was determined to cure himself. Through that link, I started research into HIV/AIDS in 1997 and have done a lot of work on this.
     There is scientific evidence that a very small number of children who are infected with HIV, become free of it. This was first observed in a boy by the University of Los Angeles, and later other children were found to have cured themselves. Qualified scientists have performed extensive laboratory tests, both before and after, which show that a small number of children who were infected with HIV, later show no sign of it or of immune suppression. Since these children had no treatment, one is forced to conclude that their immune systems were strong enough to overcome HIV.
     I reasoned that if one could boost the immune systems of HIV-positive children, for example with my remedies, more of them would be cured. By 2004 I felt I knew enough to do this (importantly I had developed a treatment for TB which would protect me), and my heart encouraged me to try. A Thai Buddhist monk said that if only one child's life was saved, it would be worth it. God/destiny led me to Thailand. There I was welcomed by a group of Thai doctors and Buddhist activists who saw the wisdom in my methods (they knew the limits of materialism and Buddhist monks use holy water like my remedies). So they invited me to try to help some children there.
Results from Thailand
This led to a not-for-profit project treating a small number of children in Thailand with HIV infection. This project is not without its problems, particularly from TB and lack of money. Nevertheless, it has had some successes.
1.     Results for two children
If you click on this link you will see some quite interesting laboratory results, which show what happened for two small girls when their immune systems were boosted. This method of boosting the immune system was not strong enough for those children who became infected with TB.
2.     Progress of Ja Thu Thip (not her real name)
The following sequence of photos shows how this little girl came back to life by using my remedies. I explain in more detail below. My remedies are "living waters". They contain the essence of life itself. These photos show quite clearly how they actually increased her vitality. My remedies for EBV contain the same living principle, but directed against EBV instead of HIV. You can see why they are so effective.
1.  December 20042.  March 20053.  January 2006

4.  May 20065.  July 2006
Photo 1 shows Ja Thu Thip as I first saw her, before any treatment. She was clearly not well. She was under weight. She did not play with the other children and had no energy, and she looked so sad and lifeless, as you can see. She had a scab on her lower lip. She was HIV+, and had fevers often. She did not take ARV drugs then. Her mother had died from AIDS and she was looked after by her grandparents, by her older sister and an aunt. I put her on a course of remedies for HIV. After a few weeks, I heard she was coming back to life and starting to dance and play with the other children. That was such exciting news.
Photo 2 shows her three months later after the first round of treatment. As you can see she has changed so much she is hardly recognisable. She has put on so much weight that her necklace is too tight. Her eyes also look brighter but the corners of her mouth are still turned down, which suggests that she is still not quite right.
Photos 3, 4 and 5 show her in January, May and July 2006. If you look at her eyes, you can see they start to come back to life as she took my remedies. But their full sparkle does not really come until January to May of 2006. Look also at her mouth. The corners are turned down in the first two photographs. Then they start to turn up. She is becoming happier in her self.
As you look at these photos, think what you see. My remedies do not contain anything toxic. They do not try to kill the virus. Rather they contain life force which stimulates the life of the child to overcome the virus. And you can litterally see this happening. No chemical could do this. She changes in her own way and grows at the same time. This is powerful natural healing. Unfortunately it was not powerful enough. She still has HIV and now takes ARV. I managed to send her a new round of treatment last Autumn. The photo my friends sent back of her suggest that she has lost weight, which is not a good sign. I am still working to improve the treatment for her.

3.     Message on car window
The children clearly appreciate what I do for them. They take the remedies diligently. The children at one orphanage found a nice way of thanking me. They wrote following message in Thai in the dust on the rear window of my rental car:
The Thai alphabet is quite different from ours. Two different Thai friends have looked at this message and say that itreads:
'We love you,  
         Children of Egg'.

When translated into English, the Thai name of the children's orphanage means "Home for new life". An 'egg' is a 'home for new life', and so it is their nickname for their orphanage.

The Project to treat Children with HIV
So far this project has been financed out of my own pocket, and in fact almost came to a stop more than two years ago because of lack of money. The children normally catch HIV from their mothers, who later die, and often their father dies too. They then become orphans who have nothing and have to be cared for by other members of their family or an orphanage. So this is a not-for-profit project.
     There are some 2.2 million children world-wide with HIV, may be more of them now. Many of these children die in the first two years of life. A small number survive until they are 5 to 9 years old. And even smaller percentage struggle on to puberty and may be even become adults. No one has thought through what it means for children to grow up who are HIV positive. It creates all kinds of problems concerning marriage and their future children. There are also health issues. The Thai people help these children as best they can, but this is uncharted waters.
     A voice in my heart asked me to start treating children with HIV on new years eve 2003/4. I was directed to Thailand by events and met up with the group who helped me with this, led by retired professor of medicine Dr Prasan Tangchai, who is also interested in quantum physics. Quite how this project will proceed, I do not know. These children are born into the world with HIV and then become orphans. They are all alone in the world and have to struggle to survive. For example the mother of one nine year old boy died from AIDS, and his father ran off with another woman, leaving him alone. This plucky little boy cooked his own rice and went to school everyday for three months until other people found he was living alone and put him in the orphanage. The suffering of these children is considerable.
     Some of the children get drugs. They prolong life but do not cure them. Children are the future of any community and so there ought to be a way to help them become well. Unfortunately I do not have one yet. If this project is to have some chance of real success, I need to develop a more powerful treatment for HIV and also for drug-resistant TB, which many of the children have. I have done much of the work for the new treatment of TB, and God is guiding me to develop a more powerful treatment for HIV, so that may come about.

[Disclaimer: results may differ from person to person.]